How to link patreon to discord
How to link patreon to discord

how to link patreon to discord

By giving examples of the type of content I will be regularly producing, I would show the new direction for the channel and get a few people onboard.

how to link patreon to discord

The initial plan was to provide the first month of content for the CloneBoyOllie channel (January 2018), then announce these avenues of support if people wanted to see more of the projects that I create. Patreon rewards will be delivered through Discord and the site itself, on top of me messaging those who have pledged for early access to videos or those who wish to collaborate with me on future projects. If you are not willing to support me monetarily, you will still be granted the “Clone Cadet” role on the server, and be notified when new videos come out. Here, you can interact with me personally and be given roles corresponding to your level of support on Patreon, also unlocking special channels and privileges for the higher-level patrons. The second method of support can be found through this Discord server – which is free to join. On the page, you will find the plans for my channel, all of the new content as soon as it comes out, as well as a link to my Discord server. I aim to constantly improve my videos and that requires purchasing new recording equipment or editing software, so I have set up a page where you can pledge as little as a dollar a month to CloneBoyOllie and receive tiered rewards delivered at the end of every month. After releasing the first month of content on my YouTube channel, as well as re-branding CloneBoyOllie, I have decided to announce two more ways that subscribers and fans can interact with me and keep the channel moving forward.

How to link patreon to discord